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#220505 Marginal Way Sunrise 1, Ogunquit, Maine

I arrived in Ogunquit Monday afternoon, and drove around town looking for a hotel, before settling on the Colonial, with it's location just a few blocks from the entrance to the Marginal Way, a stunning path that runs along the coast.
I checked in, and then headed out to scout the shore, walking for a few miles before the showers turned to rain. The forecast however, was calling for clearing by morning the next day. I next sought out some fish and chips and a cold beer, and settled in to my room, knowing I would be up early.
The alarm went off at 3:45. I rolled out of bed, dressed, did my morning stretches, and had a cup of coffee. I grabbed my gear, headed out the door, and walked to the spot I had scouted the day before. It was slippery, and a bit sketchy getting down to the water, but I made it down safely with the help of the moonlight. It was still dark as I set up my tripod, camera, and put on a split neutral density filter, to balance the light in the scene.
I sat and waited, enjoying the sounds of the ocean, the seagulls, and the song birds in the bushes that ran along the shore. Eventually the sun came, and I focused' on my work. I spent the time trying to time the waves, with my long exposure, making sure to get an image of the sun just cresting the ocean horizon, and then another shortly after as it lit up more of the rocks and water.
It wasn't the bright red sunset I was hoping for, but beautiful none the less. A wonderful moment in time. I hope you like it.