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#211007 Birch Trees in Pinkham Notch

I have photographed these birch trees in Pinkham Notch so many times, over the years. But they always look so amazing, I can't resist another picture:)

This was a really tricky shot to attain. I wanted to shoot at more of an angle to spread the middle birch trees across the scene. rather than bunched up in the middle. But there is a three foot deep and five feet wide trench, directly in front of me at an angle. If I tried to move to the right, I would be down in the trench, and lose the high angle, showing too much fern, and not nearly enough height in the birch trees. If I moved to the left at all, the edge of a building on the right would intrude on this peaceful scene. And there was no moving forward, as I’d be again deep in the trench with the same issues as moving to the right. So I framed the image as such, putting one leg deep in the trench, and the other two on the bank as high as I could get. After looking at it, I like the wedge’ look of the birch starting with the strong grouping at the forward point. I hope you like it:)